Sunday, October 05, 2008

The Unicorn Has Landed

The Seattle Cyclocross Series officially kicked off on Sunday September 28th. The first race was at Evergreen Highschool - one of the locations that typically has a kick ass layout. The course did not disappoint. Once again, it was a killer layout with plenty of technical and power sections. This course also includes either the second or third longest runup in the area. Number one is the Knapp time runup at Ft. Steilacoom.

This is also the course where the Speedvagen made its debut in 2007. So, naturally, this was a great course for the Speedvagen to make its way out of the stable and once again rain pain down upon us mere mortals. After six lung searing laps I did indeed feel as if I had been smited by the mighty Falcon despite the best efforts of me, the Unicorn and the Speedvagen. Final placement - 16th. No major crashes but one beautiful slow motion endo that resulted in me watching about 5 riders pass me and ride away...

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