Sunday, October 28, 2007

Taking Style to Eleven?

Yo Suckas,

Taking my bling to 11 on the Ft. Steilacoom runup on Sunday.

Photo by Joe Martin

Check out all Joe's photos from Sunday's race.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Going over the barriers at Kelly Creek.

Photo by Joe Martin

Monday, October 22, 2007

Forget about 11 - I'm going to 14

14th place that is. Two weeks in a row, two different categories, two 14th place finishes. I don't know if you can really say huray for consistency. If I'm really racing then I should be trying to improve my finish. You know, like trying to finish 11th and feeling bad about finishing 14th...

Well, I will take 14th for now and keep on cranking away at getting faster and stronger. Coming up next is Ft. Steilacoom. Home of the Kona Knapp Time Run Up. If you have not experienced this yourself you need to visualize something that pushes the envelope of "UCI Approved" run up length. If you have felt the pain you will know what I mean when I say I think I will cough up a lung if I have to go up that thing 6 times (even worse if it is 7 times) on Sunday.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Way Faster... Looking

First cross race on the Speedvagen today. I finished 15th. Up 4 spots from our first race two weeks ago. I can't say the move up was all because of the Speedvagen. But I sure felt good on the bike today. The Vagen is an amazing machine. I had a Unicorn on one shoulder and the devil on the other. Everything the devil egged me on to do the Vagen was able to handle. Thank you Unicorn Master!!

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Eye Candy

Here are a few pics of my Speedvagen - code name "Sparkles"

It rides as nice as it looks. Now I know what the power of the Unicorn is all about!

Eleven has arrived!

Yes indeed. I swooped down to Portland and picked up the Speedvagen today. It is amazing. Sacha and the crew at Vanilla were totally cool (what else did you expect?). I can't wait until the 14th. That is the next race in our cross series here in Seattle. I might not be much faster, but I am going to look damn good doing whatever it is I do out on the cross course!

Monday, October 01, 2007

Let the Suffering Begin

Sunday was the first day of the Seattle Cyclocross Series. I suffered mightily! On the Bianchi I might add.

No mystical falcons, unicorns or other such figures delivered the Speedvagen to my doorstep before the race on Sunday. I do hear that the Speedvagen are being assembled by mystical servants of the Unicorn in some far away land. When the bikes are complete they are delivered via Falcon to the humble recipient of each fine cross racing machine.

I'm not sure the Speedvagen would have lessened my pain, but I would have suffered in much more style. Yesterday was mud like I have never experienced in Seattle. Portland, yes. Seattle, no. We are off for two weeks and then back on it again on October 14th. For this race, I am sure to have the power of 11 unicorns to call upon so that I may smite down my opponents...